What is a Scissor Lift?

A scissor lift is a piece of equipment that helps shift site project members and other upward tools. You can use scissor lifts to conduct tasks that would necessitate the use of ladders and other support materials such as scaffolding.

Scissor lifts help site project members carry out jobs effectively and efficiently. The central or critical value that scissor lifts provide is how they help firms minimize potential injuries that would stem from ladders and traditional vertical movement supporting materials. Yet another crucial aspect of these materials is that these scissor lifts can mitigate time and improve efficiency.

These equipment pieces don’t require arduous setup processes and enable individuals to conduct a compelling job by shaving time on many tasks. As you can see, cost savings, speed, and efficiency make scissor lifts a must-have for many different work environments.

It is essential to note here that one can reduce falls and injuries, but fall eradication will still take time. Thanks to safety harness attachments and overall stability, you can be sure to minimize injuries substantially. Its superior safety helps to preserve human capital and add significant value to your job.

A few people can confuse scissor lifts because they can hear other names and not realize that they are referring to a scissor lift. These different names include; flexible work platform and an elevated task platform.

You will notice that the lift consists of steel, will have a platform and a railing. It is known as a scissor lift due to how the struts interact and move in a scissor-like manner. Of course, professionals understand that this is a pantograph combined with hydraulic systems to bring about lifting processes.

A great many of these machines will reach over ten feet with maximums of around sixty feet. But there scissor lifts that can extend even more if necessary. Indeed, they can even move horizontally at specific heights. Yet many professionals will resort to horizontal movement in some cases as this is dangerous. They try to minimize potential risks by straying away from risky behavior.

The scissor lift holds immense value because it can carry significant weight and provide enough space for work-related tasks. They bring about an additional benefit with the fact that they are compact when compressed. You can store these in many areas without taking on extra costs for storage space.

Scissor lifts have many different fuel sources. These fuel sources range from gas to batteries.

Benefits of Scissor Lifts

These machines can have specific purposes for different environments. That is why you will see them indoors for maintenance and logistics, as seen in big-box retailer distribution centers. Then there are more heavy-duty scissor lifts that you can use outside that withstand a wide variety of terrains and still provide utmost stability.

Increasingly substantial value is that they will usually have minimal emissions and come with low noise production.

Project managers must always understand what they need scissor lifts to make their purchases to get the right ones. You can be more flexible when renting these items, but you will still want to plan and obtain the right ones to save time and money.

Scissor lifts summarize that they enable operators to be more flexible, safe, and secure while being efficient. They can facilitate the ability to reach more places quickly and safely while increasing productivity. But as noted earlier, these scissor lifts work well when you use them specifically for the right jobs.

How Does a Scissor Lift Work?

The scissor lift will have five components. These components are present below:

  • The platform
  • Scissor legs
  • One or more cylinders
  • The base
  • Power sources

Scissor lifts require the extension of a flexible process to provide ascension for those who use the material. They are made to lift weight safely and securely. You can thank the pantograph for the scissor lift and its simple but powerful movements. 

A pantograph combines several parallelograms that connect with a specific intersection that enables people to have stability and extension. Pantographs are balanced in a way that preserves strength and reliability to support the weight present on the scissor lift. The parallel nature of the scissor pantograms helps make a complex geometric movement occur, creating human capital to increase efficiency.

Scissor lifts also get their power from hydraulic systems. They can also gain control through other components, but the industry prefers hydraulic systems because of their flexibility and overall reliability.

Control Scissor Lift Movement

But how do you move these powerful equipment pieces? You can do so by using the interfaces present on these scissor lifts. For instance, you can adjust the height and modify other aspects by interacting with the interface.

You will also realize that a large portion of these scissor lifts implements safety mechanisms to minimize the occurrence of swift falls.

What is a Scissor Lift Used for?

The value of scissor lifts is immeasurable as they allow teams to reach higher than they could with traditional materials. This is the primary value of this innovation, and all benefits stem from this core point.

One use case is for aerial work to maximize performance and help project teams set more complex goals and work to achieve them. Enabling teams to push themselves further and increasing growth prospects makes it a useful tool for various projects. From speed adjustability to high performance and maximization of safety, one can find these tools in multiple industries to enhance operating conditions.

Project leaders will opt for the utilization of scissor lifts because they understand that mobility is present with scissor lifts. These leaders realize that mobility is useful in infrastructure, construction, and the general logistics sector. You can imagine scissor lifts’ value with airplanes, in civilian rescue during large or small scale fires, and civil infrastructure.

A few concrete examples for the use of scissor lifts are:

  • The elevation of packages or the retrieval of packages in a fulfillment center
  • Window cleaning of skyscrapers to a certain height
  • Construction development in real estate and other types of developments
  • Car elevator use
  • Load trucks for logistics
  • Used in the photography and video capture industry
  • Used to develop other machines
  • For access to elevated work areas

Project team members will work with the control to start the scissor lift and control it with a joystick. These machines may increasingly arrive with motor-driven components to enhance workflow in the construction and maintenance sector.

As you can see, the scissor lift has many different applications that one can use within many various industries to increase value for the business, shareholders, and stakeholders.

How Much Does a Scissor Lift Cost?

Buying a scissor lift is surely a great investment for your business and can help modernize your business processes. These scissor lifts can help you to reach new heights safely and without having the substantial risk of falling as with other materials. But while it is a great decision to invest in a scissor lift through an outright purchase, you might want to think twice about your options.

Here are a few reasons why you may want to go with a rental instead of buying it and expending large capital initially.

The first reason is that of the capital outlay. Did you know that a scissor lift can cost you more than $10,000 and can range up to $16,000? But these are the mid-sized models. Think about how much the larger models would cost your business. The larger units can cost more than $55,000.

Now, buying in the used lot will decrease your costs but increase your liability and still cost around $60,000. If you seek something significant, it could run you more $80,000 to $190,000 in some cases.

Is that feasible for you or your company? In most cases, it is not worth making a large purchase, such as when alternatives are present. It can be more feasible to choose to rent, especially in contractionary economies.

How Much Does It Cost to Rent a Scissor Lift?

Scissor lift rentals are more cost-effective. Where these rentals range from around $110 to $160 per day. Now, of course, prices can vary if you rent per week or month and can work more in your favor. Prominent rental companies will provide reduced pricing for longer durations and might even offer more discounts for monthly prices.

The price differential between buying and renting can be one of the main reasons to rent for those who seek to stay lean and effective. It is a fact that it can provide more flexibility from a cash flow standpoint and propel your company to invest in a broad base of departments instead of just equipment.

But here are the other benefits of renting scissor lifts that you most likely are aware of as you make decisions within your business.

Access to The Latest Devices

Having access to new and improved devices can do wonders for your business. You can improve efficiencies, become more effective, and understand how new tools can help your business. But if you are sticking with buying equipment, you are less likely to upgrade equipment because of the costs involved.

If you rent these products, you can enjoy further updates on safety and productivity to improve your business operations.

Rental companies are likely to keep up with the latest changes to offer their clients the best products.

Reduce Long-Term Ownership Costs

A scissor lift costs will range from the initial outlay to the latter expenses of maintenance and repair. Machines will need repair and maintenance from time to time, decreasing your business optimization in the short term. Paying for repairs regularly can add up and eat into your bottom line. Renting can help you minimize your maintenance and repair costs or do away with them entirely due to the nature of renting.

Hedge Against Depreciation

The fact is that the purchase of new materials will result in asset depreciation. This is true for cars and scissor lifts. While these can cost around the same amount as mid-level and high-end vehicles, such as $25,000 or above, they can carry a lower value right after purchase. 

These asset devaluations can cause internal issues due to the value drop. This can be a further problem if you tend to use these items irregularly. If you rent these items, you can minimize depreciation worries.

Don't Worry about Storage Costs with Scissor Lift Rentals

The other costs that we may not immediately think about when purchasing scissor lifts are the concept of where to keep them. These storage costs can add up and cause significant harm to your balance sheet if you do not account for them in your initial purchase.

That is why another advantage of renting a scissor lift is that you do not have to worry about safe long term storage costs in times of minimal use. It is not only about the storage space itself but also about searching for an appropriate one near your location, negotiating, and closing the contract that works for your situation. It is not one step but several steps that are a part of the process that can wear you down.

Conversely, rentals make it to where you only have to think about short term storage within your job site without concerns of transportation or other issues tied to the alternative option.

You don’t want to deal with additional concerns regarding equipment, and going the route of the rental can help you reduce your overall costs. Maximize your productivity and minimize stress with the right rental at RentNation.

Breathing Room Matters

You want to go with a rental because it can help you minimize your obligations in more ways than one. As such, it can give you breathing room to manage your business more flexibly. It also allows you to maneuver and roll with potential problems in a more agile manner. This is very useful when dealing with surprises as you have the mental and monetary budget to deal with more massive ordeals that may come your way.

Now, you might wonder if scissor lifts can fall over. Yes, they can fall over, and that is why firms can prioritize harnesses and additional safety standards. These are the main reasons why they tip over:

  • Untrained novices operating the scissor lift
  • Lack of a balanced foundation
  • A slope like a terrain
  • Excessive gale-force winds
  • Excessive weight on the lift

Prevent a tip-over by adhering to proper workplace safety standards. You can improve your safety practices by checking the local area, having checklists regarding weights, checking the local weather, and taking on other responsibilities regarding safety maximization.

Do You Need Fall Protection on a Scissor Lift? Can a Scissor Lift Fall Over?

Falls are a significant problem within the construction industry. Not only do falls injure hard workers within the construction industry, but they are known to contribute to mortality rates within the building sector. Leading safety organizations within the construction industry will want builders and construction workers to have fall protection processes to reduce issues.

These fall protection components will include harnesses or some other equipment that helps to keep workers safe. Leading safety organizations will ensure that firms install these components for situations that may have substantial risks of over 6 feet.

But it is not always extra clear to many companies when to bring in fall protection measures such as a harness. Many may not want to consistently implement a protection harness because it can take away from maximum productivity.

Remember that scissor lift harnesses are there to halt the fall incident when it happens. They will provide simple support and help to alleviate stressors that would apply due to gravity. The idea with harnesses is to distribute the forces in a manner that minimizes stress. Harnesses are useful because they help professionals stay in a vertical position. Therefore, workers can decelerate effectively.

Employers will vary, but many employers would prefer their workers to have harnesses and minimize injuries. The mandatory use of harnesses will depend on your firm and your local laws.

How Often Do Scissor Lifts Need to Be Inspected?

Your scissor lift is a complicated piece of equipment. That is why manufacturers and suppliers will ask that you inspect it regularly. Not only will it ensure safety and security, but it can also minimize productivity blocks due to faulty lifts.

According to ANSI, you should conduct regular inspections every year. They also state that you should do so at other times so that periodic checks would be a good practice. For instance, experts suggest checking it every 150 hours.

When you inspect your scissor lift, make sure to conduct thorough checks if you did acquire it as a used purchase. You must take the equipment to qualified people to check the machine.

What Will Qualified Professionals Check?

These professionals will assess these components:

  • Speed to Smoothness
  • Motion effectiveness
  • Lifting feasibility
  • Safety components
  • If it is well oiled
  • General overview

Do I Need a Harness in a Scissor Lift?

You do not need to have a harness in your scissor lift, but it is recommended to do so by many experts. Further, if you have guardrails within your scissor lift, that helps minimize your potential damage. Many people would still advise you to have a harness in your scissor lift as many risks abound within the lift.

The idea of needing a harness will vary based on your notions and prioritizing safety in harmony with productivity. 

Remember that harness equipment has value because it can minimize the potential harm that can befall you from a rapid descent.

How Much Does a Scissor Lift Weigh?

A scissor lift can weigh quite a bit. The precise weight of the scissor lift will depend on the model of the machine.

For instance, a scissor lift around 20 ft with a maximum range of 27 feet can lift over 400 pounds and weigh at least 2000 pounds. In contrast, over 25 ft with the ability to take around 750 pounds or a little more can weigh in excess 4,500 pounds.

Yes, these scissor lifts can weigh quite a bit, and that is why they can bring on the leverage to provide efficiency in your work environment.

How to Move a Scissor Lift

You can move a scissor lift through the lower neutral raise switch, the off-platform base switch, and take advantage of the emergency stop button. The lower neutral raise switch will raise or lower the unit. The second switch will enable you to turn it on and off and direct power to specific unit parts.

If you seek to move the lift itself during operations, here physically are the guidelines to follow.

The main priority with scissor lifts is to ensure safety through stability. You will not want to move the scissor lift while it is extended, or while someone is on the lift.

Further, each manufacturer will provide different instructions on moving the lift in normal working conditions. Always make sure to have the lift in a safe area that is removed from general work traffic. You do not want other pieces of equipment and machinery to interfere with the scissor lift.

Always place the scissor lift in a stable area, not windy, and far from hazards of any type. You do not want to run into debris or other obstacles as you physically securely move the scissor lift.

Remember to optimize for stability at all times, even when using this machine outside.

How to Raise a Scissor Lift

Raising a scissor lift is crucial, but you must take a few steps before taking on this action. The first point is that you must operate the scissor lift in an area that is cordoned off with general safety tape. The tape should tell everyone in the vicinity to back off and proceed with caution.

If you have proper communication procedures regarding symbols such as the tape, people will move forward with the right level of safety. The idea here is to minimize risks and bodily harm.

All operators must understand the gravity of the situation and practice respect for oneself, others, and be by the safety regulations at all times. All persons seeking to operate the scissor lift must know the standard operating protocols and abide by them.

Fundamental rules and regulations are present for a reason, and everyone should follow them to minimize damage to themselves and the general environment.

Never forget to use the right equipment when operating these scissor lifts.

Here’s how to operate a scissor lift:

  • Conduct checks before using
  • View the general vicinity for hazards
  • Clear the area
  • Check battery charge
  • Untether the emergency stop button
  • Choose the platform button that you will likely find at the base
  • Onboard
  • Then untether the emergency stop on the platform
  • Use the controls on the platform to maneuver
  • You will find controls on your control panel in the platform
  • Follow shutdown procedures after use

Types of Scissor Lift Rentals

Scissor lift rental units will vary by the length or elevation reach:

  • 19ft, Narrow
  • 26ft, Narrow
  • 26ft, Wide
  • 32ft, Narrow
  • 32ft Wide
  • 40 ft, Narrow
  • 40 ft, Wide

You will also find similar lengths for the rough terrain scissor lifts.

There are several scissor lift models made by different manufacturers.

The prominent scissor lift models will have the right balance of superior brand, compelling features, and other necessary elements that make them appealing. Those who purchase scissor lifts will do so because they prioritize resale value as well. As such, durability, reliability, and top-notch product service is essential to buyers and renters.

Brands such as Skyjack, Genie, and JLG Industries are staples of this segment of the industry. Companies, laborers, and suppliers can trust these brands and continue to use prominent brands to service their needs.

Firms can choose to go with electric scissor lifts due to their further uptime and minimal downtime due to aspects such as charging. Now, firms also appreciate that these machines will need infrequent service appointments, saving them on productivity and overall feasibility.

These machines are also prized due to their lack of reliance on hydraulic oils while emitting nothing. Electric scissor lifts find appeal because they have adequate controls allowing for further use in various settings.

You will find that these will come with a working height of 25ft to 46ft. These can be present in an industrial, commercial, or construction site, among other areas. Some of our most popular rental options include:

Rough-terrain scissor lifts have similar components to your regular traditional scissor lifts, but they are specifically made for outdoor utilization. Rough-terrain scissor lifts are present in the outdoors because they have security, terrain, and safety aspects. Finally, they also run on diesel and are not electrically powered.

You can extend in upward fashion through these scissor lifts, and you can reach over 50 ft. Rough terrain workspace surface area is generally comfortable and might come with a slide-out extension.

These scissor lifts come with additional capacity to handle a lot of packages and individuals. They can carry more than 2,000 pounds and can help you improve your overall productivity.

Again, these are compelling because they can help you improve your safety and quality while helping you do more in your workspace. These rough terrain vehicles will have manual descent, harness attachments, and even tilting alarms.

These rough-terrain scissor lifts can come with the right tires, jacks, and even proper extension decks. Some of our most popular models include:

Reasons Companies Rent Rough-Terrain Scissor Lifts

Firms will use these for construction, inspection, installations, the finalization of yard work, and logistics.

You can take advantage of these equipment pieces as they range from $13,000 to $60,000.

They will rent it to improve outdoor operations, use it over a short period, and conduct operations feasibly.

You can rent one of these rough terrain vehicles at Rent Nation by working with an expert who can help you meet your needs.

Browse Our Wide Selection of Scissor Lift Rentals for Your Next Project!

Regular scissor lifts and rough terrain scissor lifts mean a great deal for many companies in various sectors. You can see why they are in demand with these broad firms.

Rent these pieces of equipment at Rent Nation by reaching out for quotes, acknowledging the price, and finalizing the checkout process. We are there to help you find what you need from regular scissor lifts to rough terrain equipment.

We will be pleased to help you find the scissor lift that works for your project. Contact us for any inquires on our diverse selection of scissor lift rentals. 
